Archiwum 23 stycznia 2004

23 stycznia 2004, 14:56

..., czyli troszke wspomnień...


zapomne o Tobie
teraz naprawde
przyrzekam sobie
nie bede plamic Toba pamieci
jej białe karty pozostana czyste

bedziesz trwac
bedziesz czekac
bedziesz przy mnie kiedys

Ty myslałes ze uciekłam
odeszłam na zawsze
odepchnełam Ciebie

nadal wierzyłam
ze nasza miłosc kiedys sie spełni
dzis Ty odeszłes
a ja do jutra zapomne

listopad 2002

P.S. Tylko nie bierz tego do siebie Misku... :-) KCB :-*

Tak, do nowo dodanej muzyczki...
23 stycznia 2004, 12:40

Nirvana "You know you're right"

I will never bother you
I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you

Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good

I will move away from here
You wont be afraid of fear
No thought was put in to this
I always knew it would come to this

Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel
Pain [3x]

You Know your Right [3x]

I'm so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
Let's talk about someone else

Steaning soon begins to melt
Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself

I will move away from here
You wont be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew to come like this

Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel
Pain [5x]

You know Your Right [17x]

Pain [1x]